Twitcasting API - Implicit Grant Type (OAuth2)

使用ライブラリ: PyTwitcasting

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pytwitcasting.utils import get_access_token_prompt_implicit
from pytwitcasting.api import API
import os
import configparser

def create_ini():
    client_id = 'cimatest.709e2be465414f56bc856123bf65e16afb5e3904ed1e5161d2c008fbdf00afe2'
    access_token = get_access_token_prompt_implicit(client_id=client_id)

    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    config['client'] = {
            'id': client_id
    config['user'] = {
            'access_token': access_token

    with open('config.ini', 'w') as f:

def get_access_token():
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini')
    return config['user']['access_token']

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if not os.path.isfile('config.ini'):
        print('created config.ini')

    user_id = 'c:imatest'

    api = API(access_token=get_access_token())

    d = vars(api.get_user_info(user_id))

    for t in sorted(d.items()):
        print('{}: {}'.format(t[0], t[1]))
Opened ****

Enter the URL you were redirected to: 既存のブラウザ セッションで開いています。

created config.ini
_api: <pytwitcasting.api.API object at 0x7fc68faaf5c0>
_json: {'profile': 'これはテストプロフィール。', 'supporter_count': 0, 'image': '', 'name': 'A test', 'created': 0, 'screen_id': 'c:imatest', 'last_movie_id': None, 'id': 'c:imatest', 'supporting_count': 0, 'level': 1, 'is_live': False}
created: 1970-01-01 09:00:00
id: c:imatest
is_live: False
last_movie_id: None
level: 1
name: A test
profile: これはテストプロフィール。
screen_id: c:imatest
supporter_count: 0
supporting_count: 0